Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hybrid Class Information

For GWN Spanish Hybrid classes we will have the goal of meeting live via the ITV system:

  • TWO class periods a week (for example Monday and Wednesday during Period 1)  for SPANISH 1 
  • ONE day a week for SPANISH 2 and 3. 
  • Rest of the days the students will work independently to take notes and practice vocabulary and grammar skills.

Live days will mostly focus on holding conversations, so that students have the opportunity to practice their listening and speaking skills. At times live days will be used to go over a difficult grammar concept in order to make sure students understood the lesson done independently. Students will sign up for the same live days for the entire year. Mrs. Anderson will coordinate what days these will be at the start of the year by communicating both with the students at the site facilitator.  STUDENTS MUST ATTEND LIVE DAYS.
Independent Study days students will use videos, their textbook and other materials supplied by the instructor to create their own notes and in turn complete assignments. Their assignments will help them improve their reading and writing skills. Students must have internet access during this independent study time whether it is at school or at home.

Assignments will be collected either via emails from the students or by sending them over one of our two class websites via Remind or Edmodo. Students will also use these two apps to communicate with the instructor about any questions they have about content or the class.

Students will take quizzes and tests with facilitators from their own schools on independent days, not live days with the instructor. These may be done in a study hall, office, classroom, etc to offer flexibility for the facilitators.

Because of the nature of this class, it is recommended only motivated/self-disciplined students in grades 10 thru 12 be enrolled in this class. NO Freshmen. The classes will be very organized online with clear directions and goals for each week, but because of the lack of day-to-day classroom contact, it is very easy for students to avoid covering material or not be self-driven enough to hand in assignments by the deadlines set.  ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE SUNDAY NIGHT BY MIDNIGHT WHETHER STUDENTS ARE PHYSICALLY PRESENT IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING EACH DAY OR NOT.

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